Year 11 Results Summer 2024

Year 11 Results Summer 2024
22 Aug

Well done Year 11!

I am delighted to share that our year 11 students have achieved a wonderful set of results in their year 11 examinations.

Year 11 students have worked incredibly hard and been a wonderfully positive and supportive year group and it is brilliant to see them so well rewarded for their efforts.

The results they have achieved are amongst the best ever recorded at Willowfield and are a testament to their hard work, determination and commitment. We are extremely proud of all our year 11 students and their achievements.

Some of those achieving particularly highly are

Joe and Oscar who both achieved all grade 8s and 9s including 7 grade 9s and an A grade in additional maths.

Harry and Phoebe both achieved excellent results including 7 grade 9s and an additional maths qualification each.

Kate, Sophie, Gemma, Ayman, Iram, Lois and Kristiyan achieved all grades 7 - 9.

Other students who performed particularly well are

Bianca, Siri, Zakaria, Rania, Mayssa, Yasmine and Jervonte.


Year 11 leave us now to move onto the exciting next steps of their lives and learning and I wish to thank all our families and staff who have supported the year 11 students so brilliantly.

Year 11 students - you leave us with all our congratulations, love and best wishes. You will forever remain part of the Willowfield family, and I look forward to hearing all about your future adventures and successes.

Ms Linden