All students are currently expected to attend school in person as normal unless they are required to following guidance or direction from the Department for Education or school.
If your child is directed to work from home, you and your child will be sent email instructions of how to access remote learning for each day of learning remotely from home.
Any queries about remote learning at Willowfield should be directed to: remotelearning@willowfield-school.co.uk
Any queries about IT and Microsoft Teams at Willowfield should be directed to: itsupport@willowfield-school.co.uk
Any safeguarding concerns regarding remote learning should be directed to:
If your child is directed to work remotely from home, the work set will be appropriate for each year group and a range of abilities and will offer continuity of curriculum coverage. Work completed should be uploaded to Microsoft Teams files for each subject and pupils should follow a normal school timetable which provides 5/6 hour of learning time each day.
Instructions for using Microsoft Teams
Students should login using their school computer username. This is in the form of first initial + surname + intake year @willowfield-school.co.uk, e.g. if I am a student and my name is James Francis and I joined the school in year 7 in 2018 my username would be JFrancis18@willowfield-school.co.uk .
Please find user guides to assist your child in logging into Microsoft Teams.