Year 7 Interform Competition

Year 7 Interform Competition
20 Jun

The Year 7 Interform Competition culminated in an electrifying final between forms 7-6 and 7-4, providing a spectacle that will be remembered for years to come. The match ended in a thrilling 3-3 draw, setting the stage for a nerve-wracking penalty shootout.

The standout hero of the day was one goal keeper, whose two incredible saves during the penalties ensured his team's victory and crowned them as champions. His stellar performance under pressure was nothing short of remarkable and a testament to his skill and composure.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the staff who attended and cheered on the teams, making the event even more special. A special mention goes to Mr. Elliott for organising and hosting such a fantastic competition, showcasing the talent and sportsmanship of our Year 7 students.

We also extend our gratitude to the Year 9 students who attended. Their exemplary behaviour and support contributed significantly to the positive atmosphere of the day.

Congratulations to all teams for their efforts and to the champions for their well-deserved win!